On-Demand Webinar

Handling Sensitive Dress Code Issues without Getting Sued

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Handling Sensitive Dress Code Issues without Getting Sued

Employers realize that their employees typically are the "face" of the company, and employers are finding it increasingly advisable to control that image. HR, which is frequently responsible for policy development, must work with other parts of the organization to ensure that dress codes are managed consistently and fairly. Dress and appearance policies now require organizations to develop strategies that a..

Harassment, Bullying, Gossip, Confrontational and Disruptive Behaviour: A Manager’s Guide on How to Detox and Neutralize a Negative Workplace

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Harassment, Bullying, Gossip, Confrontational and Disruptive Behaviour: A Manager’s Guide on How to Detox and Neutralize a Negative Workplace

Bad attitudes, jealousy, and disruptive behaviour will sabotage hospital morale, lower self-esteem, and reduce teamwork and productivity and could even lead to being featured in the media for all the wrong reasons. You can’t afford to let toxic behaviour infect a department. While managers may be tempted to ignore it or give in, the wrong thing to do, and tolerating it by anyone is not to be considered. Thi..

Hard PM Conversations – How to Strategically Manage Conflicts

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Hard PM Conversations – How to Strategically Manage Conflicts

Conflict happens. It is inevitable. It is going to happen whenever you have diverse people with different backgrounds, expectations, or views. If ignored or handled badly, conflict can devastate a client relationship or project team. If handled early and effectively, relationships and workplace culture will be enriched. This makes conflict management critical it takes skill to effectively avoid arguments, c..

Hazard Communication

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Hazard Communication

It is necessary to ensure that the hazards of all chemicals produced or imported are transmitted to employers and employees. The transmittal of information is to be accomplished by means of comprehensive hazard communication programs, which are to include container labeling and other forms of warning, safety data sheets, and employee training. This occupational safety and health standard is intended to addr..

Healthcare Data Analytics: Methods of Matching Scarce Resources with Uncertain Patient Demand, Optimized Budgeted Nursing Staffing with Random Patient Demand

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Healthcare Data Analytics: Methods of Matching Scarce Resources with Uncertain Patient Demand, Optimized Budgeted Nursing Staffing with Random Patient Demand

Because of the inevitable variability of the patient census (uncertainty), the planned (budgeted) staffing is usually:     (i) either not enough to deliver proper quality of care or      (ii) is excessive, resulting in idle time for some employees and/or pay under contractual obligation for the idle time.This webinar is providing a methodology called the ‘newsvendor’ framework ..

HIPAA 2023 - Compliance Requirements, Do's and Don'ts

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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HIPAA 2023 - Compliance Requirements, Do's and Don'ts

This 90-minute webinar will discuss how practice/business managers (or compliance offers) can get their HIPAA house in order before an audit.It will also address changes under the Omnibus Rule, new congressional mandates, and any other applicable updates for 2023 and beyond along with changes relating to Covid and Information Blocking under the Cures Act (do’s and don’ts).There are an enormous amount of iss..

Hiring and Retaining in this Crazy Economy

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Hiring and Retaining in this Crazy Economy

Don has delivered this presentation to dozens of CEO and HR groups in the past few months. Employers are faced with The Great Resignation and The Great Quit, placing their companies and existing employees under enormous pressures. Since hiring and retention are closely related challenges, they are addressed together in this fast-moving presentation. Areas Covered How to decide who to hireEmployee referrals ..

Holding Remote Employees Accountable from a Distance - Out of Sight Out of Mind

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Holding Remote Employees Accountable from a Distance - Out of Sight Out of Mind

Whether you’re a first-time manager or a seasoned manager, holding people accountable can be frustrating and bring out the worst of emotions and more so when employees are remotely working.Accountability, done effectively, is a skill you can develop just like any other skill, and while it is not a difficult skill to acquire and hone, it does require a high degree of conscious effort and even more challengin..

Hot Issues in Multi-State and Internet Sales Tax

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Hot Issues in Multi-State and Internet Sales Tax

Gain valuable insight into the complex issues of interstate sales and the obligations of out-of-state (foreign) sellers to collect the destination state’s taxes.Get up-to-date information about the retailing giants and their fights with the various states. Take a ring-side seat with an expert who will share the anticipated outcomes.Areas CoveredIn just ninety minutes you will gain the following insights:Wha..

How COVID has Reshaped the ADA, the FMLA and Worker's Compensation to Create a New Bermuda Triangle of Medical Leave Laws

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How COVID has Reshaped the ADA, the FMLA and Worker's Compensation to Create a New Bermuda Triangle of Medical Leave Laws

This program will explore the complexities of the three primary medical leave laws, the ADA, FMLA and worker's compensation and how they have changed due to COVID. We will also explore recent changes that have occurred within various government agencies, including the department of labor and the EEOC, as well as judicial holding that have changed the face of how these laws work together. The best practices,..

How Strategic Recognition Can Save Your Culture

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How Strategic Recognition Can Save Your Culture

Research shows that recognition boosts engagement and strengthens the connections needed to build and maintain a high-performing, inclusive workplace. Strategic recognition occurs when recognition is fully embedded in how leaders and teams live, model, and “do” recognition every day on the job. Creating an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated goes beyond simple “one and done" recognition ..

How To Analyze Financial Statements

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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How To Analyze Financial Statements

How did your business unit perform last year? What’s the trend in your key business segments over the last three to five years? How can this information help you identify the key things you need to focus on in the upcoming year? Do you struggle with the language of business? How well do you understand terms like, Top Line Growth, Gross Margin, Gross Profit, Return on Capital, Liquidity, Financial Leverage, ..

How to be a Strategic Leader in 2023 : Planning and Decision Making in Today’s Environment

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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How to be a Strategic Leader in 2023 : Planning and Decision Making in Today’s Environment

It's easy to become a victim of the "To-Do" list, crisis management, and reacting to the latest fire. Unfortunately, that approach seldom leads to sustainable success. Focus on driving your daily action through the power of your vision and mission, plan strategically, and focus on results to get the progress your organization demands. Plan for Success strategicallyTurn vision and mission into reality Engage..

How To Become An Emotional Intelligent Business Leader-What Are The Skills Needed

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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How To Become An Emotional Intelligent Business Leader-What Are The Skills Needed

Emotional intelligence is a general set of skills that can be applied to anyone and any environment. It has been shown that Emotional Intelligence or EI, can be even more critical than the power of the cognitive brain usually measured with IQ. Emotional Intelligence refers to your ability to recognize and manage your own emotions, recognize and respond to the emotions of others, and build effective relation..

How To Build A High-Performance Team in 90 Days

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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How To Build A High-Performance Team in 90 Days

Get your teams act together; you can enjoy our webinar as an individual manager or as a group! No matter how long you've been managing, this step-by-step guide ensures you'll get the strongest performance possible out of your team in any environment. With strategies presented in manageable daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly timelines, our program covers the full range of workplace issues from outdated sys..

Showing 226 to 240 of 1304 (87 Pages)