On-Demand Webinar
People-Reading Made Easy: A Simple Framework for Building Effective Workplace Relationships
No matter what your career level, occupation, or industry, chances are that much of the stress you experience at work is related to ‘people’ issues – and these issues often result from basic personality differences. Chances are that you work and do business with people of varying personality styles – some similar to you and some quite different, so treating people the way you want to be treated doesn’t alwa..
Performance Management Excellence
Is your company ready for the next level of efficiency, productivity, and profit? Then you are ready to initiate and implement a Performance Management Plan.Your management can change the conditions of the workplace in order to measure the true success of your business. It includes activities that ensure organizational goals are consistently met in an effective and efficient manner. The overall goal of perf..
Pitch Perfect: The Art of the Elevator Pitch
Your elevator pitch is an invitation to get to know you, what you do and to discover any possible connections. Sadly, most people, whether a novice employee, a beginning entrepreneur, or a seasoned corporate executive, do not know how to present themselves well and are losing prospective clients and relationships as a result. Don’t be “most people;” understand how to make the most of those first important o..
PK/PD Studies in Drug Discovery and Development
The webinar reviews the general concepts and basic elements of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and their correlation. The use of PK/PD for dose selection during drug development will be described also with the presentation of a case study. The use of PK/PD will be described for the evaluation of both drug efficacy and safety. This will illustrate how the model-based drug development and, in particular, ..
Planning, Prioritizing and Execution with the Outlook Calendar and Tasks
Do you face daily dilemmas trying to figure out where to start on your task list? Task lists can be overwhelming with a great range of items to complete. Some can wait but others are urgent and demand immediate attention. When you have 5 or 6 urgent requests at one time, the choice of which one to work on first can be agonizing. The principles taught in this program solve the puzzle for you. You will learn ..
PM Skills for BAs-Planning, Estimating, and Controlling BA Work
Is poor project management impacting your effectiveness? What can you do about it? How’s that working out? Historically, Business Analysts (BAs) and Project Managers (PMs) focus on and are trained in separate skill sets. BAs focus on requirements definition, whereas PMs concentrate on budgets, schedules, resources, and tasks. Having both PM and BA present on a project presumably enables covering all bases w..
Power Query - How to Import and Clean Data Quickly
Do you import data into Excel from other sources (such as CSV files, text files, web pages, databases, or SharePoint)? Does the data that you import need to be "cleaned" before it can be used? (cleaning refers to things like removing duplicate rows, removing blank rows, removing unnecessary columns, converting cases, changing date formats, and more).Do you spend more time than necessary performing data clea..
Pragmatic Approach to Pharmacovigilance/Drug Safety System Update Against the Latest New Requirements
In the last year/recent months, there have been a lot of changes in the pharmacovigilance requirements especially impacting the reporting to EudraVigilance, the Signal Detection Management (e.g. inclusion of EudraVigilance Data Analysis System as part of the Signal Detection Management, etc.) and the Risk Management activities. The course is aimed at providing some practical examples of the application of t..
Pre-Submission/Q-Sub for Medical Devices
This webinar will discuss all aspects of the US FDA Pre-Submission process. This webinar will review when a Pre-submission may be appropriate for a company or product. It will include a review of the guidance document. The types of Pre-submissions will also be reviewed including those for IDE applications, study risk determinations, Pre-Sub for a 510(k), Pre-Sub for a PMA and Pre-Sub for an IVD. The content..
Preparing a FDA 510(k) Submission
We will explain what a 510(k) is and the procedure to prepare the submission. The several types of 510(k) will be explained. Each part of the submission will be explained. The very confusing concepts of predicate device and substantial equivalence will be discussed. How to find an acceptable predicate device will be taught. FDA places special emphasis on-device software. we will cover the requirements for s..
Preparing a Financial Industry Compliance Manual and Code of Ethics and the Overall Annual Compliance Review
Building or Strengthening your firm’s Compliance Program? Attend our virtual seminar on the best practices for preparing the manual, code of ethics and conducting the required annual review. You will receive tools to help build or strengthening your compliance program. The Compliance program shall be designed to prevent, detect, and correct violations of the Advisers Act. The overall compliance program must..
Preparing for a (US and other) Customs Audit
US Customs law dates back to 1879 and was far less burdensome, legally, on the US importer until 1993. Under current law, the US Customs Modernization Act, the US Importer is now mainly responsible for adherence to all US Customs laws and regulations. While Customs calls it a “shared responsibility”, the burden is on the importer to “exercise reasonable care”. In this session, we’ll discuss the basics of a ..
Preparing for a BSA/OFAC Regulatory Examination
The BSA examination process is intended to assess the effectiveness of a financial institution’s BSA compliance program and the institution’s compliance with the regulatory requirements related to the BSA. A regulatory examination should cover a review of the risk management process, an analysis of the institution’s independent testing system, a detailed and thorough of the BSA compliance program, transacti..
Presentations that POP
Over the years people have been lulled into believing that doing a presentation simply means preparing a PowerPoint filled with bulleted slides and then reading through them for the audience. Everyone that has sat through one of these presentations knows that they are boring and hardly anyone can remember what was said during the presentation. That is NOT how it was meant to be.This course will give you bas..
Preserving America’s Affordable Housing
State, local, governments and Public Housing Authorities play a major role in contributing to the preservation of affordable housing. This webinar will present policies and best practices for state, local governments, and public housing authorities to preserve affordable housing, Also, this webinar will discuss the preservation of subsidized housing in rural and urban areas of the country.Participants will ..