Speaker Profile
Paul Pelletier is a Canadian business executive, the corporate lawyer, project manager and international public speaker with over 25 years of experience in senior roles in government and industry. He is an advocate, consultant, and expert in improving team engagement by focusing on workplace respect, diversity, culture, values, attitude, and empowerment. Helping leaders and organizations improve their levels of employee engagement and establish strategic behaviors, best practices, programs and processes for optimizing workplace culture is his focus. Paul is also a published author on the topic of workplace respect. His new book, Workplace Bullying – It’s Just Bad for Business, is designed to help organizations and their staff prevent, manage and eliminate workplace bullying.
Paul Pelletier
February 04 2025
03 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Don’t Shoot the Messenger – How to Deliver Bad News to Your Clients and Teams
Project managers and business analysts deliver “bad news” to our clients and teams almost daily– from scope creep to budget issues to scheduling problems. If these conversations go badly, they can ruin a client relationship, project and team culture. If handled carefully and effectively, your relationships will be enriched. This makes message management critical – it takes skill to effectively avoid argumen..
Paul Pelletier
April 08 2025
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Nudging Bias –Improving Awareness of our Unconscious and Conscious Biases and Tricks for Disrupting Them
There are over 150 types of biases, both conscious and unconscious. While some of us are self-aware and understand the depth and breadth of our biases, many of us could improve our level of awareness, particularly in relation to our unconscious biases. Unconscious bias refers to a person's attitude or beliefs about others that happen without the person being aware of it. In the workplace, these subconscious..
Paul Pelletier
March 12 2025
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Control Freaks, Master Manipulators and Saboteurs:Dealing with your Nightmare Clients and Coworkers
Disrespect happens. No matter how we reinforce our expectations for workplace respect, we still encounter clients and coworkers who become our workplace nightmares. If ignored or handled badly, bad behavior can devastate a client relationship, team or project like a wildfire. Fortunately, there are many proactive, preventative measures that you can take to manage disrespect. With tools and an action plan, y..
Paul Pelletier
May 22 2025
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
Healthy Conflicts - How to Respectfully and Successfully Handle Disagreements
Conflict isn’t something that is bad, signals weakness or will inevitably end badly. On the contrary – conflict is an opportunity to clear the air, express our differences, address our disagreements, and find a path forward. If ignored or handled badly, conflict can devastate a colleague or client relationship or a team. If handled early and effectively, relationships and workplace culture will be enriched...
Paul Pelletier
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Be a Better Leader: Dealing with your Inner Control Freak, Master Manipulator and Saboteur
Do you want to become a better leader? Do you struggle with wanting to control and manipulate others, particularly when we are in management and leadership roles? If so, this is the perfect webinar for you. Not only will we help you improve your self-awareness but also help you address any self-doubt that may unconsciously sabotage our advancement. Leaders need support and advice to help them improve their ..
Paul Pelletier
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Don’t Shoot the Messenger – How to Deliver Bad News to your Clients and Teams
Project managers and business analysts deliver “bad news” to our clients and teams almost daily from scope creep to budget issues to scheduling problems. If these conversations go badly, they can ruin a client relationship, project, and team culture. If handled carefully and effectively, your relationships will be enriched. This makes message management critical it takes skill to effectively avoid arguments..
Paul Pelletier
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Hard PM Conversations – How to Strategically Manage Conflicts
Conflict happens. It is inevitable. It is going to happen whenever you have diverse people with different backgrounds, expectations, or views. If ignored or handled badly, conflict can devastate a client relationship or project team. If handled early and effectively, relationships and workplace culture will be enriched. This makes conflict management critical it takes skill to effectively avoid arguments, c..
Paul Pelletier
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Workplace Culture – Moving your Team from Stressed to Blessed
This presentation helps PMs and BAs successfully build a successful team culture and inspire high performance, comradery, and fun. Leaders need high levels of diversity intelligence to develop long-lasting, respectful, and inclusive workplace relationships. We need to make everyone feel like they belong, are understood, and respected before they will trust and achieve.People from different backgrounds, cult..