Speaker Profile
Rosemarie Barnes is an International Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, and Executive Presentation Trainer leading others to Speak to Engage, Speak to Succeed. She holds degrees in Education, Music, and Drama from a number of Canadian Universities and is certified as a professional speaking coach. Through her company, Confident Stages, she offers keynote addresses and break-out sessions on Bridging the Generation Gaps in the 21st Century, and Personal, Professional, and Corporate Confidence and Reinvention, among others. She is the author of 2 international best-selling books and is currently working on her third. As an Executive Presentation Trainer, Rosemarie works with content, presentation, and delivery skills, and uses her vocal production expertise to empower all speakers to connect with their audiences with maximum impact and influence. She has presented in theatres, lecture halls, boardrooms, classrooms, conferences, and in the bathroom shower.
Pitch Perfect: The Art of the Elevator Pitch
Your elevator pitch is an invitation to get to know you, what you do and to discover any possible connections. Sadly, most people, whether a novice employee, a beginning entrepreneur, or a seasoned corporate executive, do not know how to present themselves well and are losing prospective clients and relationships as a result. Don’t be “most people;” understand how to make the most of those first important o..