Speaker Profile
Mr. Leo has been in Information Systems since 1977, and an Information Security professional for over 35 years. He has worked internationally as a Systems Analyst/Engineer and as a Security and Privacy Consultant. His past employers include IBM, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Computer Sciences Corporation, and Rockwell International. A NASA contractor for 22 years, from 1998 to 2002 he was Director of Security Engineering and Chief Security Architect-Program Manager for Mission Control at the Johnson Space Center. From 2002 to 2006 Mr. Leo was the Director of Information Systems, and Chief Information Security Officer for the Managed Care Division of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas.

Ross A Leo
Recorded Webinar
90 Minutes
HIPAA-HITECH: Where Are We Today And Where Are We Headed Tomorrow?
Getting to HIPAA compliance takes work, but work of a careful, thoughtful type. Instead of using an “all or nothing” shotgun approach, focusing effort in specific ways, making changes that are “evolutionary, not revolutionary”, and really knowing what constitutes HIPAA compliance is the best way to attain it. In some ways, it is similar to any compliance effort, while in other ways it is quite different. Th..

Ross A Leo
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Information Security And Risk Management: Program Structure And Value Add
This discussion will follow this agenda:What is risk analysis and what is it supposed to do?What does it tell you and what does it not tell you?Why are there so many seemingly different “frameworks?Is one better than another?Implementation of Risk Management as a “cultural” aspect in the orgAreas Covered The Essence of Risk Analysis and Risk Management o Examples of Risk Manage..