Speaker Profile
Tim believes that life and work should be awesome! Hismission is to ignite the potential of leaders, teams, andcorporations to thrive. As a former elite athlete, New York Yankees draft pick,and national level coach, Tim knows performance.Whether in ballparks or boardrooms, he is an expert ateliciting higher performance from individuals andteams. Through speaking, coaching, and consulting, Tim helpspeople master their 4 Pillars of Performance (Mindset,Habits, Movement, Fuel) so they can feel great, livewell, and contribute their best self to the world. Life is a sport that we compete in every day. As CEO ofFRESH! Wellness Group, Tim encourages corporateleaders to step up to the plate and support their teamsto hit a Wellbeing Grand Slam. Tim's Education and Experience Experience and education are important. Tim holds aGraduate Certificate in Executive Coaching (CEC), aBachelors Degree in Psychology/Kinesiology, is aMedical Exercise Specialist (MES), Holistic LifestyleCoach (HLC), and has been a master educator forseveral multinational fitness and wellnessorganizations. Clients from many industries have reaped the benefitsof his 30 years of coaching and speaking experience.Tim provides peace of mind, along with fast,transformational improvements to their personal, team,and business performance. Industries include: Oil & Gas, Manufacturing,Healthcare, Education, IT, Finance, Legal, PropertyManagement, Recruiting, and more. Some of his higherprofile clients include: Shell Oil, Husky Energy, CenovusEnergy, ATB Financial, Canadian Oil Sands, Deloitte,MNP, Dundee, Dream Office Management, City ofCalgary, Colliers International, and Bell Canada.
Tim Borys
March 13 2025
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
The 7 Habits of Healthy Active Offices and Why Your Contribution Matters
A healthy, active office is a great place to work, AND it’s great for companies too! Since we spend most of our waking lives at work, it makes sense that the office should be a place we enjoy spending time.Unfortunately, most office environments and cultures are a drain on our health, energy, and motivation. Many companies even unknowingly encourage and reward unhealthy working environments. It’s time for p..
Tim Borys
April 16 2025
01 : 00 PM EST
60 Minutes
The Death of Corporate Wellness
It's time to look at workplace wellbeing from a new perspective. Billions are spent on wellness yearly, yet people are still more stressed, burned out, and disengaged than ever. Learn the seven key factors needed to transform employee wellbeing, cultivate a high performance corporate culture, and generate a fantastic return on investment and energy from your new programs.Areas Covered Critical Analysis of C..
Tim Borys
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Remote and Hybrid Work Performance: Simple Scientific Strategies to Work Well from Wherever You Are!
While working remotely is nothing new, the global pandemic forced most of society into a situation they were entirely unprepared for. After many years of remote and hybrid work, people are still struggling with the physical and mental impact of their work environment and habits. This session provides the strategies and tools needed to maintain optimal health, happiness, personal performance, and productivit..
Tim Borys
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Rituals for Resilience and Renewal: Simple Personal Habits to Power Performance and Productivity!
Forget time management. It’s a myth. The important resource to manage and cultivate is your energy. Energy is what allows you to be productive and do what you want to do. All the time in the world is useless if you don’t have the energy to get anything done!In today’s fast-paced, constantly changing world, people are stressed, overworked, burned out, uncertain of the future, and drained of their precious en..
Tim Borys
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
Stop Trying to Be “Stress-Free”. There’s a Better Way!
Stress is natural…Seriously! It can even be a positive and motivating force in our life...if we know how to harness it. Unfortunately, for most people, stress wreaks havoc on their body, mind, daily function, and productivity. Mindset and leadership coach Tim Borys shares his wisdom, insights, and the important science behind how our mind and body respond to stress.Tim’s upbeat and practical insights make t..
Tim Borys
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
The Future Ready Leader: Thriving in the New World of Work
Let’s face it. Work and workplaces are changing faster than most organizations and leaders can handle. The stats show it. Stress, burnout, turnover, and employee expectations are at all-time highs, and many leaders are more stressed than their teams. So, what’s the solution?Drawing from neuroscience, organizational design, change management, and performance coaching, Tim paints a clear vision for the Future..
Tim Borys
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
The Leadership Gap
Building Skills to Lead Regardless of Title or PositionLeadership does not require a title. A title does not mean someone is a leader. In fact, the skills that elevate people to a position of leadership can sometimes hinder their ability to lead others.Together, we take a deep look at the leadership gaps in today’s workforce, and what people at every level of an organization can do to lead themselves and ot..
Tim Borys
Recorded Webinar
60 Minutes
The Rise of the Chief Wellbeing Officer
Reimagining Wellbeing and Performance at WorkThe current model of employee benefits and wellness programming is fundamentally broken. It’s based on a flawed model and consistently fails to deliver results in behavior change, increased well-being, or sustained performance in our workforce.A new model is needed and the responsibility sits squarely with executive leadership. Until the C-suite is responsible fo..