
Unrelated Business Income Tax – Updates under TCJA

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Unrelated Business Income Tax – Updates under TCJA

This topic will start off with a general understanding of what is unrelated business income. It will look deeply into how to tell if income streams are related or unrelated to the non-for-profits mission along with the other rules that could exempt the income from this category.We will also look at how to calculate the unrelated business income tax under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The TCJA made it so non-fo..

Update on US Sanctions: Hot Topics and Compliance Best Practices

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Update on US Sanctions: Hot Topics and Compliance Best Practices

This program will cover a range of sanctions compliance topics. Beginning with an overview of US economic sanctions and embargoes rules and regulations, the panel will then cover key sanctions compliance issues. This will include topics such as conducting business with or in Russia, identifying and preventing prohibited facilitation of prohibited transactions, and strategies for conducting compliance audits..

Update Your Business Writing Skills – The Rules Have Changed!

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Update Your Business Writing Skills – The Rules Have Changed!

Someone, somewhere, for some reason, decided that English needed to change. They changed the rules for punctuation, spacing, and style without notice or warning. If it has been five years or more since you've taken a business-writing course, then you NEED to take this one! This course offers effective strategies to sharpen your writing skills by structuring your ideas logically, exercising diplomacy in lett..

US Expatriate Taxation

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 60 Minutes
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US Expatriate Taxation

This session will cover the US Taxation of Expatriates. Specifically, we will focus on the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, the Foreign Tax Credit and State Tax Issues. During the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion section, we will discuss the two tests to qualify for this exclusion and the additional housing exclusion. During the Foreign Tax Credit section, we will discuss the difference between US and Foreig..

US National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Act (GMO Labeling)

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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US National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Act (GMO Labeling)

The new rule was highly anticipated by industry and will hopefully bring clarity to the long-standing GMO questions, cover financial and risk impact to businesses as well as helping consumers with educated food choices based on science, in short session encapsulates everything industry needs to know on launching the NBFDSA.Areas Covered  Background on US GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) LabelingBasi..

USDA New Proposed Rule on BioEngineered (GMO) Food Disclosure

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 60 Minutes
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USDA New Proposed Rule on BioEngineered (GMO) Food Disclosure

The USDA announced the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard on December 20, 2018. The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Law, passed by Congress in July of 2016, directed USDA to establish this national mandatory standard for disclosing foods that are or may be bioengineered. The standard will provide a uniform way for food manufacturers to disclose whether food or its ingredients were bioeng..

Using Behavior Based Interviewing To Select The Right Candidate

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Using Behavior Based Interviewing To Select The Right Candidate

Companies erroneously spend too much time looking for the correct skills and knowledge for the job and paying little or no attention to attitudes and behaviors necessary to a candidate perform at a high level. The fact is that most involuntary terminations occur because of improper attitudes and behaviors.The best way to hire the correct candidate is to see into the future and see how that candidate will pe..

Using the Balanced Scorecard to Create Better Performance

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Using the Balanced Scorecard to Create Better Performance

This session will go over how to construct a balanced scorecard. We will cover how to survey the key deliverables for success, how to measure them, how to set standards, and how to assign values to each. The balanced scorecard is not new. However, not enough companies are using it.We will discuss using the balanced scorecard as a basis for a manager and executive bonus system. We will use an actual example ..


 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Lookup formulas are far superior to manually searching for specific data elements in a spreadsheet. VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, and MATCH are some of the most well-known (and most useful) functions in Excel which are used to return data from other locations in worksheets. VLOOKUP enables you to quickly and easily look for value down a column of data and return a value from the same row in a different column. P..

Valuable Communication Skills: It’s How You Say It

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Valuable Communication Skills: It’s How You Say It

Your message may be a very important one but if no one is willing to listen, its value will be lost. Effective Communication is a commonly used phrase; wherein, effective basically means being successful in what you are trying to accomplish. While you have been successful in sharing the information, it is important that what has been shared is understood and meaningful. Less than 10% of what you say is part..

Verbal Self-Defense For Workplace Violence

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Verbal Self-Defense For Workplace Violence

De-escalation, diffusion, Verbal Judo, or “talking someone down", are all names for keeping the potentially violent person from becoming an actual violent person. This program will provide strategies, tactics, and techniques for keeping situations from devolving into dangerous confrontations. We’ll take a quick look into the problem of workplace violence, how often it happens and what is the effect on indiv..

Verification, Validation, Master Planning for U.S FDA and ISO 13485 Compliance

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Verification, Validation, Master Planning for U.S FDA and ISO 13485 Compliance

How can companies address the U.S. FDA’s tougher stance and product, process and QMS V&V? One major failing is the lack of sufficient or targeted risk-based V&V Master Planning. Why do companies need a Validation Master Plan? What is it? How is it structured? Supporting systems/documents? How should each individual V&V plan be structured? Clarification of validation terms. Device, product, proce..

Wage & Hour Misclassifications

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Wage & Hour Misclassifications

With new regulations, you want to make sure you’re in compliance with all levels of your staff. We discuss compensation at the hourly and salary levels, DOL definitions and exemption categories. We will talk about the new generations and how their work preferences fit into the wage and hour labyrinth. Don’t forget the most common myths! Stay up to date on the changes and stay out of trouble with the Departm..

Wage Garnishments: Best Practices for Compliance and Accuracy

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Wage Garnishments: Best Practices for Compliance and Accuracy

One of the most frustrating payroll tasks is dealing with garnishment orders. The rules on the amounts of pay that can be subjected to garnishment orders, the priority of garnishments that apply, and the Federal and state laws that come into play are complex. Failing to comply with the rules can result in costly penalties.Join us to receive step-by-step guidance on how to evaluate and process the various ty..

We Need to Talk – Having Difficult Conversations

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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We Need to Talk – Having Difficult Conversations

Having difficult conversations isn’t fun for anyone. Telling someone they smell nice, saying no to a client, or having to tell an employee they need to find another job is something that no one looks forward to doing. We feel anxious and uncomfortable. Yet, our roles demand that we know-how, and are willing to have those difficult conversations. We need to be effective and build trust and respect, without d..

Showing 1546 to 1560 of 1648 (110 Pages)