
Handling Employee Leaves of Absence

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Handling Employee Leaves of Absence

There are close to a dozen different types of medical leave, between statutory and non-statutory types of leave. Understanding and applying them correctly can be a big challenge. It is extremely easy for even the most meticulous employer to get lost in all the definitions, details, and purposes behind various leaves. Susan Fahey Desmond, a labor and employment law expert, will elaborate on federal and state..

Handling Generational Conflict on Your Team

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Handling Generational Conflict on Your Team

Today, there are four different generations of employees in the workplace. These include Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z employees. Since each of these employees has been affected differently by their upbringing, it should be no surprise that conflict may arise between different members of these generations. In this webinar, a brief overview of the characteristics of each of these..

Handling Supplemental Pay Under the FLSA

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Handling Supplemental Pay Under the FLSA

This session will help you understand areas such as when employees have to be paid to get dressed and undressed; when you have to pay them to be on an airplane and when you don’t; what breaks need to be paid and what breaks don’t need to be paid; why you have to pay for breastfeeding; and other areas of supplemental pay. Reduce your chances of being investigated by making sure your pay practices are in comp..

Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination in the Workplace

 Recorded Webinar
 120 Minutes
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Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination in the Workplace

It covers all aspects of harassment, abusive behaviour, bullying and discrimination in the workplace. There are many examples of subtle abuses as well as discussion about the more obvious ones. Today’s climate, thanks in part to the #Me-too movement will also be discussed. Participants will learn about Quid Pro Quo and the meaning of hostile work environment. We will bust some common myths and offer remedie..

Heat Stress Prevention Avoidance and Control Measures

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Heat Stress Prevention Avoidance and Control Measures

Heat stress is a real problem all over the globe. Just ask the guys making mud bricks in Bangalore. Dealing with high heat is becoming an increasing challenge since heat waves and periods of elevated temps are becoming more frequent and prolonged. Science and human factors engineering, also called Ergonomics, has long studied the issue and a body of conventional wisdom has established the basic working para..

Hint : Succinct, Action-Oriented Titles Work Well, as do those that Focus on the Problem you’re Going to Solve

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Hint : Succinct, Action-Oriented Titles Work Well, as do those that Focus on the Problem you’re Going to Solve

Implicit, or unconscious bias, exists in classrooms and on college campuses. What does it look like? How can faculty create an unbiased learning environment? How can faculty get in touch with their own unconscious biases to combat unintentional bias with students? Research suggests that unconscious bias regarding race and gender impacts relationships with professors. One study showed that certain academic f..

HIPAA 2020: Texting, Emailing, and Personal Devices - New Guidance

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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HIPAA 2020: Texting, Emailing, and Personal Devices - New Guidance

Each year, healthcare organizations are finding that cell phones are more essential than ever before for maximizing employee efficiency and patient connectedness. Join our live webinar to understand how you and your organization can employ cell phones for increased efficiency without leaving your team exposed to legal risk. In this webinar, we willDiscuss the OCR increase in HIPAA enforcementReview the ways..

HIPAA and Social Media Violations of HIPAA’s Privacy Requirements

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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HIPAA and Social Media Violations of HIPAA’s Privacy Requirements

This webinar provides an overview of core privacy requirements of HIPAA. Then, the subject moves to the social media activities of healthcare practitioners. This webinar provides a brief summary of those basic HIPAA privacy protections then goes into detail on the many ways a health care provider may run afoul of the privacy exceptions via the use of social media. This may occur both when a healthcare pract..

HIPAA and Social Media War Stories for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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HIPAA and Social Media War Stories for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals

This webinar will cover the following benefits and applications of this material with the start of detailed speaker information to integrate education, training, and experience with detailed course objectives and disclaimers.The webinar will then start with an overview of the core privacy requirements of HIPAA, the basics of which should be well-known and practiced by all health care practitioners. Then, th..

HIPAA and the Administrative Subpoena – How HIPAA Does or Doesn't Protect you When the Government comes Calling for your Patient Records and you are in Trouble

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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HIPAA and the Administrative Subpoena – How HIPAA Does or Doesn't Protect you When the Government comes Calling for your Patient Records and you are in Trouble

This webinar reviews core privacy requirements of HIPAA then covers in detail the ways state licensure boards and agencies use the authority of state law to cover HIPAA exceptions and gain access to your patient records. This webinar shows how state agencies use state law in concert with HIPAA exceptions to conduct government-lead investigations. These exceptions can also be used by federal agencies in the ..

HIPAA and Your Office Staff – How Their HIPAA Violations Can Get You in Trouble

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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HIPAA and Your Office Staff – How Their HIPAA Violations Can Get You in Trouble

This webinar provides an overview of core privacy requirements of HIPAA, the basics of which should be well-known and practiced by all health care practitioners. These provisions cover office staff and others. Then, the subject moves to patient privacy in a digital age, with a review of social media activities of health care practitioners and employees.This webinar thus provides a brief summary of those bas..

HIPAA Audits – an Insiders Perspective

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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HIPAA Audits – an Insiders Perspective

I will be speaking to real life audits conducted by the Federal government for Phase 2 and beyond (I’ve been on both sides of these audits) what your highest risks are for being fined (some of the risk factors may surprise you). It seems almost daily I am receiving calls from nervous practice managers and compliance officers all over the USA regarding a HIPAA audit letter or call they have received. This le..

HIPAA Compliance Officer Training

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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HIPAA Compliance Officer Training

There is a lot to know about HIPAA and there have been numerous changes in the past few years most practices are not aware of that could cost your practice in productivity, fines and loss of reputation. We will review HIPAA compliance from A to Z. Everything you need to know will be covered, including your responsibilities of holding the title, HIPAA Compliance Officer. Patient rights to their m..

HIPAA Privacy and Public Health Exceptions: COVID-19 and the Coming Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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HIPAA Privacy and Public Health Exceptions: COVID-19 and the Coming Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States

This new and cutting edge webinar starts with the well-known basics of HIPAA privacy that should be routine for today’s medical practitioners. The rules are well-established and a part of modern medical education, training, and practice. While the basic provisions of privacy for protected health information are well known, their application for public health exceptions in today’s world is to be examined.&nb..

HIPAA Privacy Exceptions for Law Enforcement Purposes Applied to Health Care Professionals

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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HIPAA Privacy Exceptions for Law Enforcement Purposes Applied to Health Care Professionals

While the basics of HIPAA privacy are well known, and while health care practitioners know how to maintain privacy and to keep the information confidential, fear exists in not knowing the many exceptions enjoyed by law enforcement as used for government or public purposes. These exceptions not only allow but require a health care practitioner to release information. Uncertainty exists when faced with a high..

Showing 946 to 960 of 1295 (87 Pages)