
Creating Highly Effective Teams – Recognizing And Correcting Dysfunction

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Creating Highly Effective Teams – Recognizing And Correcting Dysfunction

One of the primary responsibilities of leaders in any industry is to develop and foster the cohesiveness of teamwork. Though simple in concept, it is probably the greatest challenge a leader faces. In order to meet this challenge, we must recognize the causes of team dysfunction and then develop strategies to address the problems. Moreover, leaders need to be able to effectively and impactfully communicate ..

Creating Smart Presentations : Integrating Excel, Word and PowerPoint

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Creating Smart Presentations : Integrating Excel, Word and PowerPoint

Microsoft Office is known for its integration capabilities. We typically work with Excel, Word, and PowerPoint individually, and we may insert data from Excel into a Word report or a PowerPoint presentation. Each program has features specific to sharing data automatically among programs. This webinar will give attendees important time-saving techniques in creating truly smart presentations; determine when a..

Creative Ways to Boost Employee Morale and Engagement

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Creative Ways to Boost Employee Morale and Engagement

Employee morale is more important than you may think because it has a direct impact on productivity and profitability. When employee morale is high, employees are happier, more engaged and the quality of work produced increases significantly which allow companies to be more profitable. When morale is low there is a ripple effect and the result is a less productive work environment with higher levels of stre..

Credit Policy Fundamentals: Principles and Practices

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Credit Policy Fundamentals: Principles and Practices

Participants will learn how to diagnose their own credit policies to identify any gaps, and if so, how to write practical and understandable policies that meet regulatory expectations for content. They will be able to implement and maintain the processes and procedures needed to ensure that their policies are kept current and accurate, are monitored for compliance with them by means of tracking exceptions t..

Critical Planning for Exporting Devices to the EU

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Critical Planning for Exporting Devices to the EU

Exporting devices to the EU has new EU legal requirements. A device must have a valid CE mark. You must renew your CE mark certification every three years.  If you do not, your products cannot be marketed legally in the EU. If your product is not marketed in the U.S. Many U.S. devices are legally marketed in the EU, not the U.S., renewing your CE certification takes planning, a lot of planning. It is n..

Current Issues In Credit Risk

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Current Issues In Credit Risk

The reactions to the 2007 crisis have amply shown that, for most people who had to react as regulators, lenders or investors, the body of crisis-fighting knowledge was picked up essentially from the last 10 years. Few people referred to the main precedent, the 1929 crisis, to pick up wisdom from precedents: it was deemed too old to be relevant. Regulators’ reactions indicated that little was done to envisio..

Customer Service Excellence: Building Service Champions in Your Company

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Customer Service Excellence: Building Service Champions in Your Company

All planes are the same in the air. It is the people, primarily the front line, who interact with the passengers, which make the real difference. The way we think about service has changed. Who is responsible for service, how we achieve it and what service means are all being redefined. Leaders now recognize that responsibility for service does not reside in just the customer service department. It resides ..

Data Analysis in Excel – Working with Multiple Datasets

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Data Analysis in Excel – Working with Multiple Datasets

In the recent past, it was necessary to have some coding skills, and available data analyst or some very strong VLOOKUP skills in order to join related datasets to perform meaningful data analysis. With the new Get & Transform tools and Power Query (which you probably already have, but don’t know it!), you can do this sort of thing yourself with a few clicks. Over the past several versions of Excel, Mic..

Data Governance for Computer Systems Regulated by FDA

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Data Governance for Computer Systems Regulated by FDA

Effective and compliant computer system data management is critical to organizations in the pharmaceutical, biologics, vaccines, tobacco, animal health, medical device or other FDA-regulated industry. During the past 30 years, best practices have been developed to ensure computer systems used in these environments can be cost-effectively managed while meeting all aspects of FDA compliance. To take this a st..

Data Management, Records Retention, Destruction Considerations and Legal Holds

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Data Management, Records Retention, Destruction Considerations and Legal Holds

This webinar will review the basic tenants of Information Governance. We will then bring these theories to a practical level by discussing strategies for maintaining documents and information in today’s electronic work. We will discuss the key components of a good document retention policy. Finally, we will discuss the importance of litigation holds, including how, why and when to implement them to avoid le..

Data Privacy and Information Security Compliance Requirements

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Data Privacy and Information Security Compliance Requirements

Cybersecurity is a critical issue facing every financial institution and the stakes are rising all the time. Cybercrime, in general, is growing through the roof and the risk of cyber attacks on financial institutions is becoming ever more magnified and apparent. In response, regulatory expectations for robust information security programs, security awareness training, and well-developed cyber risk control s..

DDMRP – What Is It?

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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DDMRP – What Is It?

Companies are facing an ever more increasingly complex environment coupled with increasing marketplace volatility. This is causing companies to strive to be more flexible and responsive by streamlining both planning and execution. In addition, companies are attempting to conserve the use of their valuable resources. Instead of investing in products prematurely that then creates an inventory that may not be ..

De Novo Classification Process

 Recorded Webinar
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De Novo Classification Process

Unlike other countries in the world, the US uses a predicate-based system to classify its medical devices. For devices that have a predicate device in the marketplace, the classification process is quite straightforward. A predicate device is a legally marketed device, called a preamendments device, that was legally marketed prior to May 28, 1976, a device that has been reclassified from Class III to Class ..

Dealing with COVID-19 as an Employer: How to Manage in Crisis

 Recorded Webinar
 90 Minutes
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Dealing with COVID-19 as an Employer: How to Manage in Crisis

This program will explore the impact of the virus both at work and for individuals. We will explore the laws created in response to COVID-19, the laws that apply to any pandemic or illness, laws applicable to layoffs and furloughs, policy considerations and other best practices. We will discuss what employers need to do to maintain a safe and functional environment. Our program also will dispel the myths, d..

Dealing with Difficult People

 Recorded Webinar
 60 Minutes
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Dealing with Difficult People

According to Deepak Chopra and Kabir Sehgal in a post for CNBC, one way to deal with difficult people is to not take what they say personally. If you do then you both get defensive and the situation escalates.This session shows you how to deal with the event, the situation, not the person. Position yourself as a cooperator, not a competitor, working together, not against each other. Gain some quick tips and..

Showing 991 to 1005 of 1648 (110 Pages)