Creating Affirmations/Declarations
  • CODE : LISH-0001
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Lisa Haisha, M.A.  is a force of nature, drawing out the brilliance in everyone she encounters. She’s the author of three best-selling books (one being translated into Spanish). Her unique therapy, SoulBlazing, is a testament to her profound insight and boundless creativity. She has been leading workshops and retreats globally which teach wellness and positive mindset. She has also been an international keynote speaker for the past decade.

Her quest for inner wisdom has taken her to the far reaches of the globe (over 60 countries), from the mindfulness practices of Sufi’s in Cappadocia to the profound simplicity of life with the Bedouins in Petra. Guided by luminaries like Ram Dass and Sadhguru, Lisa has also delved into the depths of consciousness, exploring the realms of psychedelics and mysticism.

Her journey culminated in the authorship of the transformative book, Whispers from Children’s Hearts. inspired by her five-year odyssey volunteering in orphanages across fifteen countries.

Through these diverse encounters, Lisa discovered the essence of SoulBlazing – the ignition of one’s inner purpose with fervor and brilliance.

Now, she’s on a mission to share her wealth of knowledge and experience with the world. Through private coaching, writing, retreats, and her interview series, Lisa invites others to explore the beauty of being human and ignite their own inner fire.

Creating affirmations and declarations is a powerful practice grounded in the principles of positive psychology, aimed at fostering personal growth, self-belief, and transformation. They serve as tools to reprogram the subconscious mind, cultivate a positive outlook, and help individuals manifest their desired outcomes. By understanding the intricacies of this practice, one can craft effective affirmations and declarations that propel them towards achieving their goals.

Affirmations are positive, present-tense statements that describe a desired state or condition as though it is already true. The regular repetition of these statements helps embed them into the subconscious mind, gradually reshaping one's thoughts and behaviors. For example, affirming "I am confident and capable of achieving my goals" can foster a stronger self-image and boost self-esteem over time. Declarations, on the other hand, are more assertive and often made publicly. They reflect a solid commitment and have a powerful psychological impact. For instance, declaring "I am committed to living a healthy and fulfilling life" can reinforce one’s dedication to personal wellness and success.

The primary purpose of affirmations and declarations is to influence the subconscious mind, which plays a crucial role in shaping thoughts, behaviors, and ultimately, reality. Additionally, affirmations can reduce stress and anxiety by cultivating a sense of calm and fostering a hopeful perspective on life.  
In learning how to follow the structured approach and ensuring that affirmations are specific, positive, and emotionally resonant, one can harness the power of positive thinking to shape their reality and achieve a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Areas Covered

Creating Affirmations and Declarations:

  • Introduction to Affirmations and Declarations:
      - Definition and differences between affirmations and declarations.
      - Historical background and origins of these practices.
      - Overview of the psychological principles behind their effectiveness.
  • Understanding the Power of Positive Thinking:
      - The impact of positive affirmations on the subconscious mind.
      - Benefits of maintaining a positive mindset in personal and professional life.
      - The science of how affirmations can lead to behavioral change and goal achievement.
  • Identifying Personal Goals and Desires:
      - Techniques for defining clear and specific goals.
      - The importance of aligning affirmations with personal values and aspirations.
      - Strategies for recognizing areas in need of improvement or change.
  • Crafting Effective Affirmations:
      - Guidelines for writing affirmations in the present tense.
      - Emphasis on using positive language and avoiding negative words.
      - Tips for making affirmations specific, concise, and emotionally engaging.
  • Creating Powerful Declarations:
      - The role of declarations in reinforcing commitment and intention.
      - How to make declarations assertive and impactful.
      - Examples of effective declarations for personal and professional growth.
  • Incorporating Emotion and Believability:
      - The importance of adding emotional resonance to affirmations.
      - Techniques for ensuring affirmations are realistic and believable.
      - How to gradually expand aspirations to build confidence.
  • Practical Application and Repetition:
      - Best practices for integrating affirmations into daily routines.
      - The significance of regular repetition and consistent practice.
      - Tips for using visualizations and emotional engagement to enhance effectiveness.
  • Interactive Exercises and Real-World Examples:
      - Guided exercises for participants to create their own affirmations and declarations.
      - Case studies showcasing the successful application of affirmations.
      - Group discussions and feedback sessions to refine and personalize affirmations.
  • Q&A and Open Discussion:
      - Opportunity for participants to ask questions and share experiences.
      - Discussion of specific challenges and how to address them.
      - Exploration of additional resources and further reading.

Who Should Attend

  • Personal Development Enthusiasts
  • Life Coaches
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Corporate Trainers
  • Educators and Teachers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Human Resource Managers
  • Career Counselors
  • Students
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Business Leaders and Executives
  • Public Speakers
  • Motivational Speakers
  • Wellness Coaches
  • Athletes and Sports Coaches
  • Artists and Creatives
  • Individuals Seeking Personal Growth
  • Team Leaders and Managers
  • Mindfulness Practitioners
  • Anyone Interested in Positive Psychology

Why Should You Attend

In today’s fast-paced world, the need to stay ahead of the curve is more critical than ever. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) can paralyze your decision-making, leaving you stuck in a rut while your competitors surge forward. Attend our upcoming event and transform your fears into actionable insights!

Fear: The Invisible Chain

Fear holds us back from seizing new opportunities. It's the voice in your head that says, “What if I fail?” or “What if I’m not good enough?” This invisible chain shackles you to your comfort zone, preventing growth and progress. This class is designed to break these chains. Through expert-led sessions, you’ll learn how to identify and confront your fears head-on.

Uncertainty: The Paralyzing Fog

Uncertainty can cloud your judgment, making it difficult to make informed decisions. It’s like driving through a thick fog with no clear direction. This fog keeps you from seeing the opportunities and threats that lie ahead. At our event, you’ll gain valuable insights empowering you to navigate uncertainty with precision and purpose.

Doubt: The Silent Saboteur

Doubt undermines your confidence and saps your motivation. It’s the nagging feeling that your efforts might not lead to success. This silent saboteur can prevent you from pursuing your goals and achieving your dreams. This  class will help you banish doubt through interactive exercises. You’ll learn proven strategies for building self-belief and resilience, enabling you to tackle challenges with determination and a positive mindset.

Transform Your Mindset and Achieve Success

Don't let FUD dictate your future. Attending our class is the first step toward conquering your fears, gaining clarity amidst uncertainty, and silencing the doubts that hold you back. Join us and take control of your destiny. Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to turn challenges into opportunities and propel your career or business to new heights.

Topic Background

The concept of affirmations has evolved over centuries, influenced by various cultural, religious, and philosophical traditions. In modern times, key figures like Emile Coué, Louise Hay, and media personalities like Oprah Winfrey have played significant roles in bringing affirmations into the mainstream. Today, affirmations are widely recognized as powerful tools for personal development and positive change.

  • $160.00

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