Customer Relationship Management: Strategic Methods to Manage Relationships
  • CODE : REBE-0037
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
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Rebecca Staton-Reinstein, Ph.D., and President of Advantage Leadership, Inc. work with leaders and their organizations to Increase your bottom-line results through strategic leadership, engaged employees, and delighted customers in all economic sectors. Draw on her proven ability to mentor you through a major change, customizing successful solutions to your complex issues. For over 25 years, Rebecca has contributed value as an executive, manager, educator, and consultant, honored on four continents. She is a Ph.D. in organizational development, a National Speakers Association Legacy Professional Member, and St. Petersburg Engineering Academy Foreign Member and author of books on strategic leadership and planning.

Today, software tools are used to manage the "mechanics" of customer relationship. However, you cannot rely on software to manage your relationships with customers. This is the human interaction which must take place. Acquiring the right customers in the first place and then discovering their ever-changing needs goes far beyond interacting with a screen. Successful organizations, spend time talking with customers, asking questions, responding to verbal and non-verbal cues, finding customers' un-expressed desires, helping customers articulate these, and then meeting these new needs. As a result of this program, you will be ready to:

  • Think more about strategic approaches than tactics
  • Work with your customer's personality
  • Apply Dr. Kano's unique approach finding your customers unexpressed needs
  • Use the "All about them" approach from a branding expert
  • Discover what the customer really wants
  • Rely on a relationship rather than software

Of course, we all have customers and we know we need to maintain a good relationship with them. But how do we do that? Yes, software systems are useful tools, which help us track the details. Our strategy for staying connected with customers is much more important. Each customer is unique. How do they want to be contacted? What are their needs? What affects their business today? Have their needs changed since we worked with them initially? What results did they get from working with us? Do they need additional products or services? The questions mount up, and that's the key to managing these vital relationships. Learn to think more strategically about sustaining long-term healthy relationships and grow your business with every interaction.

Areas Covered

  • What are your experiences with managing customer relationships? What's worked? What's fallen short?
  • What are fundamentals of understanding personality you can use to communicate more effectively with your customers?
  • What can we learn from Dr. Kano's study of a camera company to enhance our ability to dig out customers hidden needs, wants, and unexpressed desires? How do we construct practical probing questions?
  • What can everyone learn from a branding expert's mantra: It's all about them? How do we apply this practical approach strategically?
  • How do I construct a strategic approach to internal and/or external customer relationships that grow my business? If I use customer management software, how can I increase its usefulness? How do I deploy a more strategic plan to work with customers?

Who Should Attend

  • Customer Relationship Managers
  • Sales People
  • Marketing Specialists
  • Small Business Owners
  • Business Analysts
  • Anyone with an Internal Customer

Why Should You Attend

If you don't maintain good relationships with customers over time, you will be out of business. Whether those customers are internal or external, the basic approaches are the same because we are dealing with humans interacting with other humans. You need to maximize your own talents and hone your skills to keep relationships vital, healthy, and productive. Do you know who your ideal customers are and how to engage them? Do you know how to find out what their unexpressed needs are for products and services? When was the last time you had such an exploratory conversation? If you haven't been doing this, today's satisfied customer may leave tomorrow because someone else offers them something corresponding to those unexpressed needs.

  • $200.00

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