Empowering Equality: How Male Leaders Can Champion and Sponsor Women in the Workforce
  • CODE : KURT-0014
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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Hulya Kurt- after 32 years of working within a multinational company in different roles, ranging from middle management to senior, Hulya Kurt chose to follow her passion of becoming a coach, mentor, and workshop facilitator. She motivates and empowers company management teams and their employees to move forward in their professional life.

Through using powerful questioning techniques, a strong sense of empathy, and intuition, she provides impactful results with clear communication, presentations, and facilitation strategy.

Using her deep knowledge in assisting you in positioning yourself incorporates, leveraging her experience of starting from entry level to Global Senior roles. She can do and positive perspective and she can motivate and energize people.

  • Understanding Gender Equality: Gender equality means providing equal opportunities and treatment to all employees, regardless of gender. It's essential for a fair and productive workplace. Despite progress, many organizations still grapple with gender disparities.
  • The Need for Male Leadership in Gender Equality: Male leaders are in a unique position to break stereotypes and promote inclusive leadership. By championing gender equality, they can create a more balanced and dynamic workplace.
  • Benefits of Gender Equality in the Workplace: Gender equality isn't just a moral imperative; it's good for business. Teams that embrace gender diversity often see improved performance, enhanced innovation, and better financial results. Diverse perspectives lead to more creative solutions and a stronger bottom line.
  • Challenges Women Face in the Workplace: Women still face numerous challenges in the workplace, including gender bias, the glass ceiling effect, and work-life balance issues. These obstacles can hinder their career progression and overall job satisfaction.
  • The Role of Male Leaders in Addressing Challenges: Male leaders can play a critical role in addressing these challenges by recognizing and combating bias, promoting women into leadership roles, and supporting work-life balance initiatives.
  • Sponsorship vs. Mentorship: While mentorship is valuable, sponsorship is crucial for women's career advancement. Sponsors actively advocate for their protégés, helping them gain visibility and opportunities.
  • How Male Leaders Can Sponsor Women: Male leaders can sponsor women by identifying high-potential female employees, providing opportunities for visibility, and offering constructive feedback and guidance. This active support can significantly impact women's career trajectories.
  • Creating an Inclusive Culture: Creating an inclusive culture requires policies and practices that support gender equality and encourage open dialogue about gender issues. This environment allows everyone to feel valued and heard.
  • Success Stories: There are numerous success stories of male leaders who have championed women in their organizations. These leaders have seen positive impacts on their teams and companies, demonstrating the tangible benefits of gender equality.
  • Overcoming Resistance: Addressing resistance to gender equality initiatives is essential. Common objections and misconceptions can be countered with facts and strategies for gaining support from peers.
  • Action Plan for Male Leaders: After attending the workshop, male leaders can take concrete steps to promote gender equality. Setting and achieving gender equality goals will create lasting change in their organizations.
  • The Long-term Impact of Gender Equality: Promoting gender equality has long-term benefits, not just for organizations but for society as a whole. It fosters a more equitable and prosperous future.


Male leaders have a unique opportunity to champion gender equality in the workplace. By attending the "Empowering Equality" workshop, they can learn how to sponsor and support women,creating a more inclusive and successful organization.

Areas Covered

Understanding diversity/raising awareness of unconscious bias/ how to become a sponsor/ what are the actions to take/ communication skills and women friendly job descriptions. Techniques fostering women to any positions in the company, offering mentoring.

Who Should Attend

Mainly men in senior positions who can foster and sponsor women in all stages of their lives.

Why Should You Attend

Gender equality in the workplace isn't just a buzzword; it's crucial to creating a thriving, innovative, and inclusive environment. Male leaders have a pivotal role in promoting gender equality.

Attending the "Empowering Equality: How Male Leaders Can Champion and Sponsor Women in the Workforce" workshop is a significant step in this direction.

In this workshop, you will learn:

The challenges that women face being promoted, touching base on unconscious bias, how it impacts your decisions, how you can become a sponsor for women, and communication skills to attract women into higher positions.

You play a significant role in fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, a major milestone in any organization that wants to be innovative, stay competitive, and leverage the talents that might be left out.

By attending this workshop, you will contribute to the personal and professional growth of your female colleagues, strengthen your leadership impact, and drive positive change within your organization.

Become a gender champion, be a role model.

Topic Background

In today's diverse and dynamic work environment, male leaders' role in supporting and sponsoring women in the workforce has become increasingly vital. Gender equality is a moral imperative and a business advantage, leading to higher performance, better decision-making, and a more inclusive culture.

However, despite progress in gender diversity, women face significant barriers to advancement in many industries. These barriers include unconscious bias, lack of mentorship, and limited access to networks that can propel their careers forward. Male leaders, who often hold positions of influence, have a crucial role in dismantling these obstacles and fostering an environment where women can thrive.

By sponsoring and advocating for female employees, male leaders can help bridge the gender gap, ensure fair representation, and build a more equitable workplace. This workshop aims to equip male leaders with the tools and insights needed to effectively support and sponsor women in their professional journeys, promoting a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect.

  • $160.00

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