Food Waste Reduction: The road to Cost Reductions and Sustainability
  • CODE : JOHR-0011
  • Duration : 75 Minutes
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Dr. John Ryan is the president of and holds a Ph.D. in research and statistical methods. He has recently retired from his position as the administrator for the Hawaii State Department of Agriculture's Quality Assurance Division where he headed up Hawaii’s commodity inspection, food safety certification, and measurement standards service groups. His latest books “Validating Preventive Food Safety and Quality Controls”,” Food Fraud” and “Guide to Food Safety During Transportation: Controls, Standards and Practices, 2nd Edition” are now offered by Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Dr. Ryan’s company ( helps to train and consult with companies in need of validating preventive food production controls. For more than 25 years, he has implemented quality control systems for international corporations in the United States and around the world.

Food waste is a well-recognized issue throughout the food supply chain. Loss estimates run anywhere from 30% to 50%. Water, fertilizer, manpower, facility overhead costs, delivery/planting/production/storage and delivery, carbon emissions, environmental pollution, and other food production expenses are lost along with the food that cannot be consumed.

Food waste, as defined by the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization, refers to the “discarding or alternative (non-food) use of food that is safe and nutritious for human consumption along the entire food supply chain, from primary production to the end household consumer level.”

In 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency announced the first-ever domestic goal to reduce food loss and waste by 50 percent by 2030.

This webinar will look at cost and food savings strategies and sustainability. When companies target reductions in food waste, not only are they in a self-directed cost savings strategy, but the result can often impact sustainability, the environment, and food security. 

The acceptance of small margins throughout the food supply chain is a state of mind that must be overcome through better management and control. 

Learning Objectives

  • Learn to measure waste at every level
  • Overcoming the psychology that food waste is okay
  • Implement a basic team approach to food savings and sustainability reporting
  • Review some successful companies
  • Find out who is involved
  • Understand the evolving government position on sustainability and food waste
  • Look at how blockchain can be structured for a cooperative waste reduction effort
  • Understand that food is inventory and inventory is your money
  • Understand how labels and packaging impact losses

Areas covered

  • Measuring food waste
  • Team driven improvement efforts
  • Companies driving sustainability and food waste improvement efforts
  • Using blockchain to drive food waste reductions through smart contracts
  • Donating excess food
  • Understanding cycle time inventory reductions and control
  • Consumer sustainability concerns and willingness to pay more
  • Packaging and labeling issues

Who Should Attend

  • Product procurement personnel needing to drive supplier cost reductions
  • U.S. food processors, distributors, retailers, and restaurant chains
  • Restaurant and retail inventory control and buyers
  • Foreign food producers, importers, and exporters
  • Food safety and quality specialists
  • Processing, carrier and distributor Facility owners and managers
  • Process and facility sanitation and maintenance personnel
  • Company compliance officers
  • Restaurant and food retail store owners and managers

Why Should You Attend

Companies must make food waste reduction a primary business objective as part of their operational assessments.

Most companies will not move off ground zero to attack sustainability, pollution or potential food security issues until they can justify cultural changes from a cost savings position. Reducing food waste provides the business goal that justifies the business shift the food industry needs.

In this webinar, we will explore the interrelationships among lost revenues, food waste, sustainability, and environmental pollution. Measurement of food waste throughout processes will be explored with the objective of partitioning losses, setting improvement targets and reporting savings up the management structure. 

A ground-up strategy will be presented along with information from companies that have taken on targets and been able to show cost savings as well as reduced food waste and improved sustainability.

  • $200.00

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