Raise Your In-Q: Fuel Breakthrough Ideas with ‘Innovation Intelligence’
  • CODE : MICB-0003
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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As founder and CEO of Right Chord Leadership, Dr. Michael Brenner collaborates with leaders and teams at all levels to strengthen the essential skills needed for peak performance. He achieves this by drawing on more than two decades of experience as an international leadership consultant, executive coach, keynote speaker, and educator, and more than 35 years as a professional musician. Michael’s unconventional workshops, executive coaching sessions, and consulting services – grounded in the belief that “When people work in harmony, great things happen!”™ – have helped clients increase employee engagement, reduce turnover, improve customer service, and create more inclusive work environments.

Michael is the creator of the CHORDS Model™ which consists of six key “notes” all successful leaders and teams play: C (Communication), H (Harmony), O (Ownership), R (Respect), D (Direction) and S (Support). He has been a featured speaker at many industry events and conferences around the world, including Southeast Asia, Canada and Australia.

He holds a doctorate in Adult Learning and Leadership from Teachers College at Columbia University and a master’s degree in Adult and Organizational Development from Temple University. He has taught courses in organizational behavior, systems dynamics, negotiations, and interpersonal relations (among others) at Immaculata University, Temple University, and La Salle University.  Currently, he is on the faculty of Penn State University and the Kogod School of Business at American University

Organizations that focus on routine daily work at the expense of innovation may find themselves falling behind their more adventurous peers. The pitfalls of not innovating can have significant consequences including:

  • Stagnation: Without innovation, industries and businesses can stagnate, becoming less competitive over time.
  • Loss of Competitive Edge: In today's fast-paced world, failing to innovate means falling behind competitors who are constantly improving their products, services, and processes.
  • Missed Opportunities: Not innovating means missing out on opportunities to capitalize on emerging trends, technologies, or consumer needs.
  • Risk of Disruption: Industries that resist innovation risk being disrupted by new players who introduce innovative solutions.
  • Reputation Damage: Organizations that fail to innovate may be perceived as outdated or irrelevant by consumers, investors, and potential employees.
  • Inability to Address Challenges: Without innovation, organizations struggle to address evolving challenges, whether they're technological, environmental, social, or economic.
  • Resistance to Change: Not innovating can foster a culture of resistance to change within organizations, hindering their ability to adapt to evolving circumstances and market demands.

Overall, the failure to innovate can lead to a downward spiral of declining relevance, competitiveness, and ultimately, viability. It’s essential for individuals and organizations to embrace innovation to thrive in an ever-changing world.

How do you do that? Start by understanding the four pillars of innovation: Audacity, Curiosity, Simplicity, and Spontaneity.  When you incorporate these 4 pillars into your organization, you’ll be able to:

  • Connect to unexpected sources of creativity
  • Hold super-productive brainstorming sessions
  • Learn from mistakes and create psychological safety
  • Re-purpose what's already working without having to invent “from scratch”
  • Gain momentum using the power of small wins

Who Should Attend    

Senior and mid-level leaders, managers, and supervisors.

Why Should You Attend

The ability to innovate is critical to business success. It drives economic growth, allows companies to stay ahead of the competition, leads to better solutions for tough challenges, and streamlines processes to increase efficiency. Many organizations, however, focus on day-to-day routine work, i.e., what is, rather than on innovation, i.e., what could be. This is a mistake, as continually bringing new and/or better ideas to customers is a hallmark of successful organizations.

In this presentation, we’ll cover some of the key factors involved with raising your In-Q so that you and your team can fuel breakthrough ideas.

These include:

  • Developing more audacious ideas
  • Amplifying your sense of curiosity
  • Communicating ideas simply and powerfully
  • Breaking free from familiar patterns and routines

Innovation is the driving force behind progress, enabling us to tackle challenges, seize opportunities, and create a better future. It encourages individuals and organizations to think outside the box, explore new possibilities, and push the boundaries of what's possible. Learn how by registering for this fun and interactive presentation!

Topic Background    

IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. EQ stands for Emotional Quotient, also known as Emotional Intelligence. In-Q stands for Innovation Intelligence, the creative potential of every employee on your team to continuously develop and introduce new, different, and better products and services that deliver customer value.

  • $160.00

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