Secrets to Winning in Office Politics
  • CODE : YOKE-0011
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : Advance
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Yoke van Dam is a renowned Professional Speaker and Behavioural Change Coach specializing in neurolinguistic programming (NLP). With a focus on helping business leaders, executives, sales teams, and individual professionals, Yoke empowers her clients to discover their authentic voice, build confidence, and craft compelling stories that resonate both emotionally and intellectually.

With a proven track record in transforming presentations, Yoke began applying her NLP techniques while training national sales teams at AutoTrader. Her innovative approach significantly enhanced the effectiveness and retention of her presentations. Today, these advanced strategies form a core part of her acclaimed Power of Persuasion Presentation Bootcamp. This program equips leaders and client-facing professionals with the skills to deliver unforgettable presentations that leave a lasting impact for days, months, and even years.

Yoke’s expertise has guided her clients to notable successes, including:

  • Thesis Presentations: Elevating academic and professional presentations to impressive levels.
  • Conference Addresses: Helping speakers connect deeply with diverse audiences.
  • Sales and Tender Wins: Enabling IT specialists to secure major contracts and positions in corporate banking vendor lists.
  • Funding Success: Supporting actress Marianthe Stelle Smart in securing funding for her short film through Pitch SA.

Her career includes significant roles at Oxford Publishers, Pearson, and Entrepreneur magazine, where she honed her public speaking, training, and leadership skills through Toastmasters. Yoke's dedication led her to achieve Toastmasters International's highest honour, the Distinguished Toastmasters award, which recognizes exceptional communication and leadership achievements. She is also a Professional Member of the Public Speakers Association of South Africa.

Whether you're seeking to captivate your audience, make your messages memorable, or engage clients effectively, Yoke van Dam brings unparalleled expertise and passion to enhance your presentation and communication skills.

Is It Time to Reclaim Your Power?

Are you ready to strategically navigate your workplace dynamics like a master chess player? This webinar will equip you with the skills to enhance your influence and access the most valuable asset at work: power.

You’ll learn to distinguish between Good and bad politics and assess if you’re in a toxic environment that needs addressing.
Understanding Workplace Politics

Bad politics, as defined by Kaiser, Chamorro-Premuzic, and Lusk (2017), involves manipulation, flattery, backstabbing, and spreading rumours to advance oneself at the expense of others or the organization. This approach is characterized by a ruthless pursuit of personal gain, often through unethical means.

In contrast, good politics is about engaging in practical, ethical strategies. Good politics involves being savvy, well-networked, and skilled in stakeholder management. It’s about influencing decisions and outcomes through legitimate and accepted practices, as outlined by Kaiser, Chamorro-Premuzic, and Lusk (2017) and Postma (2021).

  • Join us to learn how to play the game strategically and positively impact your career while maintaining your integrity.
  • Have wisdom, understanding, and insights on office politics, how to navigate it, and how to strategically network with influence.

Areas Covered

  • What is good versus bad politics?
  • What type of power do you have?
  • Understanding the level of politics in your organisation
  • Interpersonal influence
  • Social influence
  • Sincerity
  • Networking for success

Who Should Attend

  • Professionals aiming to enhance their influence and navigate workplace politics effectively.
  • Corporate Executives
  • Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • HR Professionals
  • Project Managers
  • Keynote speakers
  • Corporate trainers
  • Workshop facilitators
  • Management consultants
  • Business consultants
  • Sales directors
  • Marketing managers
  • Business development managers

Why Should You Attend

  • Why do some people get access to meetings, better promotions, time on an agenda and better promotions for their team?
  • Are you simply getting on with work, hoping that someone will notice the effort you are doing?
  • Do you set goals for yourself or wish that things can change at work?
  • Do you very rarely take control of the influence and relationships you have in business, with your various stakeholders?
  • Is it time for you to become strategic in building alliances in business, to have higher negotiating power for yourself and your team?
  • Are you always self-sacrificing at work?
  • Do you often give up your weekends and evenings for work and never take a break to look after your own goals?

Topic Background

Yoke van Dam has been offering a Women in leadership program online and physically in Dubai since 2021. Office politics and managing your power is one of the most sought after modules that have led these leaders to be strategic about building their influence, power and network at work, with greater success.

  • $160.00

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