Survey Mastery: 4 Tests Guaranteed to Improve Leadership Skills, Personal and Employee Engagement, Performance, Productivity and Character
  • CODE : BRLE-0051
  • Duration : 90 Minutes
  • Level : Intermediate
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International event speaker, MC, and author, Bruce Lee brings the experience of a solid business background from a good cross-section of industry:

  • Branch management / special projects for a major Canadian Bank,
  • Alberta Manager for the VISA credit card Division of the Bank,
  • Senior marketing representative for a fully integrated Canadian oil and gas company,
  • Senior consultant for an executive recruiting company, 
  • Partner and then owner of a 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year retail convenience store and gas bar business.
  • Director of Service Development and special projects consultant for a healthcare-focused international training company. This company won the 2017 Alberta Export Award for

Professional Development for their specific health care success education processes.

Bruce has had a passion for providing education keynotes, workshops, and webinars all across North America full-time, for the past 28 years with a full utilization and implementation zeal. He enjoys working with individuals and organizations to help them get the results they need to grow their careers and enhance their business success. 

The intent of every presentation is to ensure the implementation of the ideas and strategies to move people ahead with a realizable return on their education event investment.
Bruce is a newly published author of the book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge.

The four tests you will be walked through and tests on are:

1. My L.I.S.T.

Thoroughly review each question in the My L.I.S.T. (List of an Individual Special Things) sheet and respond to 6 of them during this presentation.

Two examples are:

  • How do you feel at the start of the work week? At the end of the work week?
  • What makes you proud of working here at our organization?

2. Confidential Leadership Empowerment Satisfaction/Retention Survey

This will assist your leadership team in its mission of creating a “customer-driven culture through practical and meaningful people empowerment questions which become skill measurements.

The 10 questions education points will ask you to measure: Respect, Communication, Alignment/Trust, Recognition/Feedback, Empowerment, Insider / Information, Coach/Champion, Training/Tools, Leadership, Friendship/Empathy.

The results of this provide the C-Suite with enough information to determine how each department head is doing, and to what extent they need additional support, or to be let go.

3. Rating Your Soft Skill Leadership Attributes

In this assessment sheet, you will measure your skill in effective communication. Just as you have attitudes about your customers, they also have valuable opinions about you that you must know in order to be more effective in your role and how well you communicate with anyone.

Each of the following characteristics plays an integral part in determining the response you get from others. This is how you see yourself, how your manager sees you, how your customer sees you, and how your co-workers see you in these areas: Enthusiasm, Persistence, Determination, Positive Thinking, Smiles/Saying Hello, Helpful (extra effort), Sincerity, Appearance, Initiative, Consistency, Punctuality.

4. Coaching Skills Self Assessment

See how good you are by reviewing the 21 questions from two perspectives. You will be surprised by how you rate yourself on this test. There are 20 characteristics employees have used to describe bosses they rate as effective coaches. You will rate yourself in terms of what you think your employees would say about you.

As an example: As a coach, I:

  • How well do you bring out the talent in your people?

The summary of the review of the points is to then choose three characteristics that need the most improvement, write them down, and say how you will work on improving them.

This wraps up with a 180 view of the questions: How Brave Are You to Find Out Your Employee's Opinion of Your Coaching Skills? In both cases, you will ask and answer some of them, with the entire list as you go forward as an effective coaching/teaching tool.

As my boss, you:

  • How well do you ask to be able to take on more responsibility, step up your engagement activities, expand your job tasks to make them more meaningful, and craft your leadership abilities and reputation? This is all about being promotion-ready.
  • This section will also go into real-life examples of effective coaching skills as well as how to recognize, acknowledge, and reward good behavior.

Who Should Attend

Anyone who really wants to measure how well they do their job and learn how to fully engage, inspire, guide, and lead people to bring out their best, become their best,  and accelerate their future.

Why Should You Attend

In order to bring out the best in anyone, you need to know exactly what the characteristics and attributes of great leaders are – and then measure and support them. This is an honest, down-to-earth look at what it takes to provide real, meaningful leadership.

This starts with you taking the tests to see how you perform and lead others.

Topic Background

You can’t manage what you can’t measure!                              

This is how to coach, be coached, engage, empower, inspire, excite, grow your personal power, expand the effectiveness of your leadership skills, and at the same time, develop your potential. These are two-way assessments – how to bring out the best talent, creativity, resourcefulness, and abilities, in you - and everyone you work with.

The four resources in this webinar presentation will teach you exactly:

  • How to measure everyone you work with in every skill level imaginable
  • To access the degree of strength they have in that area and expand it 
  • How to have stepped up their level of communication, engagement, and leadership, and exceed you & their expectations of the task, along with their position of responsibility.
  • $160.00

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