The Power of Trust in the Workplace – and for Your Reputation
  • CODE : BRLE-0053
  • Duration : 60 Minutes
  • Level : All
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International event speaker, MC, and author, Bruce Lee brings the experience of a solid business background from a good cross section of industry:

  • Branch management / special projects for a major Canadian Bank,
  • Alberta Manager for the VISA credit card Division of the Bank,
  • Senior marketing representative for a fully integrated Canadian oil and gas company,
  • Senior consultant for an executive recruiting company,  
  • Partner and then owner of a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year retail convenience store and gas bar business.
  • Director of Service Development and special projects consultant for a health  care focused international training company. This company won the 2017 Alberta Export Award for Professional Development for their specific health care success education processes.

Bruce has a passion for providing education keynotes, workshops and webinars all across North America full time, for the past 28 years with a full utilization and implementation zeal. He enjoys working with individuals and organizations to help them get the results they need to grow their careers and enhance their business success. 

The intent of every presentation is to ensure implementation of the ideas and strategies to move people ahead with a realizable return on their education event investment.

Bruce is a newly published author of the book: Why Trust Me? Making Trust Your Competitive Edge.

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There will be several complimentary bonus resources offered at the conclusion of this webinar that fully support this educational offering. This workshop is proven, practical and performance based. The value of this workshop will go to your bottom line.

Who can you trust these days? With all the news about what had been trusted professionals, politicians, companies, and governments and their falling out of favor, along with their organizations and reputations, who can you trust, and why does it matter? It does, and this presentation will show you how to build, maintain and promote trust. Your personal, professional, and business career depends on it.

This presentation shows you exactly how important and powerful a reputation of being trustworthy is and to appreciate the real power behind Trust that accelerates engagement, fosters productivity and supports your organization's growth and community reputation. Identify the most significant reasons employees leave and the impact that has on the rest who are left behind. See who the trusted industries are and are not - and why the internet cannot be trusted. Understand what great managers know that average managers do not when it comes to employee development.

Trust is everything in the business world today. It is all about character and integrity and is the intangible asset that is critical to your short- and long-term success with your workforce and to your customer and prospects. This presentation is how to build up and maintain the power behind an engaged and empowered workforce. You will learn by inspiring stories how Jack Welch and other business leaders drove success to grow their companies, improved their reputations and profit levels. Check out the Bonus Resources that show you three self-tests that drive up and support trust, retention, and loyalty.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn the 5 top leadership skills necessary to engage your people in creating a dynamic and empowering workplace
  • Embrace the S.A.M. empowerment concept to improve productivity, retention, and morale in and for your organization
  • Identify how to implement the Situational Leadership Model with new employees to move them to confidence and empowerment
  • $160.00

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